Somatic Experiencing


I just started my training of Somatic Experiencing in June this year and have completed the second level this October.  I wasn’t sure I needed more training in the field of somatic psychology but I’m glad I did.  Research in the neurosciences and the field of trauma have progressed significantly in the past 10 years.  This has contributed to a better understanding of the field of somatic psychology and why these approaches are so powerful.  I find that Somatic Experiencing works like laser precision to identify and treat trauma.  There are very specific reasons for using a certain intervention that is meant to work with the central nervous system.  One thing that I really appreciate is how important slowing down the process is in the supporting of the body to self-regulate.  What self-regulation means is the body being able to operate in the most optimal, health-promoting way.  Trauma causes dysregulation and trauma survivors are haunted by a nervous system that can never find peace.  The worst part for survivors is blaming themselves for the trauma and their symptoms.  Interestingly enough, trauma is not just the result of one traumatic event in one’s life but can be the accumulation of stress over the course of one’s life.  The amazing thing is that the body is always looking for ways to self-regulate and return to health despite being dysregulated.  Why slow things down? Well, speeding things up is one way we use to not feel the pain of the trauma.  This is not the same as depression which is a slowing down of the nervous system but there is still agitation in it.  A regulated nervous system can savour an experience rather than speed past it or not notice it all.  We need to be slowed down enough to pay attention to the moment and fully feel the experience.  I will be continuing with the third training in February next year and this will complete my first year of training.  I am excited to deepen my knowledge and experience of my own nervous system and to be able to share this with the clients I work with.

Denoja Kankesan